New Assistant Researcher


Bust shot of Cathal, looking at upper left corner

"Mirror-Tiger": Cathal Meas

Description: ████████, known as “Mirror-Tiger” is an escaped monster from the Mirror World. He has disguised himself as a former student and used this form to escape the university on ████████, 2019.

“Mirror-Tiger” can manifest his true strength despite the weaker frame of his disguise. This allowed him to approach and kill two pedestrians on following his escape from the university.

“Mirror-Tiger” was apprehended on the same date and returned to the university for monitoring.

“Mirror-Tiger” is hostile and should not be approached without proper training and equipment. The university will not be liable for actions of students that fail to follow protocol when studying “Mirror-Tiger”.

Cathal Ref Sheet

Proposed Containment Procedure █
Date: 2020/09/06
Name: ████████ APPROVED
Proposed Containment
Provide Cathal Mirror-Tiger with an outlet through video games. ████████ posits an outlet may dampen Mirror-Tiger’s violent tendencies or provide a distraction, allowing researchers to approach safely. Other influences (from the video games) may convince Mirror-Tiger to release the image of former student, Cathal Meas. The suggestion is approved by Dr. Cavanagh.
Containment Result
Mirror-Tiger has been provided with a collection of video games, a PC, a Nintendo Switch, and a Sony Playstation 4. Mirror-Tiger was reluctant, but eventually selected some video games to play. Attending researcher successfully exited the enclosure without injury.

Mirror-Tiger has been playing the video games and is showing favouritism towards the RPG genre.

He continues to use the image of former student, Cathal Meas. However, he is now acting more in line with how the original Cathal Meas did.

Proposed Containment Procedure ██
Date: 2021/02/15
Name: Dr. Cavanagh APPROVED
Proposed Containment
Create a livestream to monitor Mirror-Tiger and his activities remotely.
Containment Result
Mirror-Tiger has been provided with streaming software and shown how to operate it. Mirror-Tiger was withdrawn throughout explanation but followed instructions and started livestream on command. He chose to share his video game progress on stream and made some attempts to communicate with researchers through the stream.

Mirror-Tiger continued to mimic Cathal Meas’s behaviour on stream. Former classmates have reported this behaviour as distressing and have been dismissed from researching Mirror-Tiger.

Researchers and students are now able to continue with other projects more freely.

Addendum ████
Date: 2023/02/15
Name: Professor ████████
Professor ████████ instated as primary researcher for Mirror-Tiger.

Mirror-Tiger is no longer mimicking the behaviours of former student, Cathal Meas. While he continues to use the former student’s appearance, he has requested new clothes and provided a list.

Mirror-Tiger continues to play video games, still primarily RPGs, but has also branched out into art and “writing” alongside student researchers. He has expressed keen interest in them and seems to consider himself a fellow student.

His demeanour has significantly changed from the former student. Dr. Cavanagh expressed concern about the growth and what this may mean for his former student.

No progress has been made on discovering the whereabouts of the former student. Dr. Cavanagh has taken distance from monitoring Mirror-Tiger to redirect his attention to finding the former student.


To: ████████@­ 28/06/2023, 14:53
Subject: Termination Notice – Job Abandonment

Dear Professor ████████,

As of the date of this e-mail, you have been absent from work since February ██, 2023. Because your absence has not been approved, and we have not heard from you, we have determined that you have abandoned your position.

In accordance with our policy on job abandonment, we will be terminating your employment effective August 8th, 2023, unless we hear from you before this date.

If you do not intend to return, please return the following university property to Dr. ████████ immediately:

  • Work laptop
  • Work phone
  • Lab coats
  • “Mirror-Tiger” enclosure key

If the above items are not returned by August 8th, 2023, ████████ may pursue all avenues to recover the equipment, including legal action.

Your final pay cheque will be paid in on August 28th, 2023. Your P-45 will be posted to you upon payment of your final pay cheque. Please notify us regarding any change of address. If you have any questions, please contact through the university e-mail.


Mairead Nic Niell
HR Manager