Fw: Regarding Statuatory Sick Pay
from cavanagh@uscr.ac.uk
to 31208112@uscr.ac.uk

From: Mairead Nic Niell <admin@uscr.ac.uk>

To: Dr. R. Cavanagh <cavanagh@uscr.ac.uk>

Subject: Re: Regarding Statuatory Sick Pay

I understand your position, Dr. Cavanagh, and I will send along your response. However, in anticipation of this response, they requested I pass along the message that 'while they understand the impact this situation has had on you and the value of your work, the university is not willing to fund research pertaining to the "chasing of ghosts."'

I will forward any response they provide.

Kind Regards,

Mairead Nic Niell

HR Manager

From: Dr. R. Cavanagh <cavanagh@uscr.ac.uk>

To: Mairead Nic Niell <admin@uscr.ac.uk>

Subject: Re: Regarding Statuatory Sick Pay

Madainn mhath a' Mhairead,

Innis mo freagairt àbhaisteach don bhòrd.

Tapadh leibh

From: Mairead Nic Niell <admin@uscr.ac.uk>

To: Dr. R. Cavanagh <cavanagh@uscr.ac.uk>

Subject: Regarding Statuatory Sick Pay

Dear Dr. Cavanagh,

While the University of Science, Culture and Research will continue to provide you with statuatory sick pay, the board have reached the decision to cease your additional university sick pay for the remainder of your absence.

As a long term employee and respected doctor in your field, the board have leniently allow you three years of additional university sick pay. You will no longer be entitled to additional sick pay as of the 12th of August 2025.

After this date, you will be switched to statuatory sick pay paid at £116.75 per week.

I would be grateful if you would provide us with certification of your ongoing absence from your GP.

If you have any questions about this matter, please do not hesitate to ask.

Yours Sincerely,

Mairead Nic Niell

HR Manager