re: re: 0-800-SAVEYOURSOULNOW!

They Cathy!

Damnation is not a sure fire thing! Don't let anyone tell you otherwise!

You'll remember how the dude in the collar in the church always handed that dish out and you had to put your wallet in? Well, that was saving you from damnation! Luckily, you don't have to go to church for that anymore!

All you have to do to save your soul from the pits of Hell is to send a photo of the front and back of your debit/credit card, and I'll set up a direct debit to God's bank account that frees you of all sin every month!

No more confession, no more pope, no more swimming in the church pool in front of everyone!

And if you ever have a baby, just send me a picture of their credit card and I'll do the same for them!

Peace and love and shit,

Eremiel P. Biggus